Please Contact Us for Storage Site Access; Call 0499 566 929 for Inspection and Appointment. Site Address: 52-60 Market Rd Brooklyn. VIC. 3012 (on some Navigator try entering ‘5th Avenue Brooklyn’)
Prior to Entering this Site – to gain Site Access – Everyone must complete this below Consent Form please with your details, read the terms and conditions, then tick the box to confirm your consent and click send.
Attention: You are On Camera! 24/7 Video Monitoring on site.
We occupy the old Clean Away Site your Navigator my Find: ‘Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn VIC’ easier. It is an EPA Monitored Site.
No Dumping of Rubbish of any Kind. No Items whatsoever are permitted on site Outside your Container, Outside Your Truck / Mobile Equipment / Cars. Offendeds will be Billed and Prosecuted.
Note to Contractors and Service Providers: You must carry out emailed instructions exactly as we communicated to you please. Failing to do so may result in the Non Payment of your Invoice(s).
Container or Site Inspection Site Access: Mon.-Sat. During Business Hours only. Approved and Paid up Clients enjoy – 24/7 Access.
Site Access Enter at Own Risk – be aware of working Machinery, Trucks, Rough Terrain, Limited Lighting. Unmanned Site – Unless you made an appointment with a Staff Member. Storage – Store at Your Own Risk. We do not accept any Liability whatsoever for Your Items. You assume responsibility for all Loss and Damage including: All Damage, Theft or Accident. Any Items, Trucks, Cars, Machinery, Contractors 3rd Party etc. you may direct to this site, must enter at Own Risk as our Insurance Policy has Several Exclusions and You / Your Property any 3rd Party Property and Personnel will not be covered. It is unlikely that any Party may be able to seek compensation for any Accident, Injury, Loss or Damage.
Cheap Secure Storage – Storage Agreement – Sample
This Storage Agreement has been entered into on …./…./…. by and between the parties of
Container Solutions
And_____________________________________________ (Lessee).
The parties are in Agreement of the following;
Site for privately owned Shipping Container
Lessor hereby grants Lessee use of the site for their own shipping container, pursuant to the terms of this container storage – Storage Agreement;
Container Solutions Pty. Ltd.
52-60 Market Road, Brooklyn, Victoria, 3020
Shipping Container Number: ____________________________
Shipping Container Colour: _____________________________
Terms and Conditions
Lesser agrees to lease the site located at 454-460 Somerville Road, Brooklyn on a
Weekly / Monthly / Yearly (please circle which applies), beginning on …./…./…..
This Rental Agreement shall remain in full effect until cancelled by either party.
The lessee shall pay all storage invoices for the advance storage of the shipping container in a timely manner.
In the event the Lessor does not receive rent for a rental invoice within 14 days of the payments due date, the Lessees will be charged a fee of $25.00 and may be denied access to their shipping container until the account is brought up to date.
Upon payment of any funds the Lessor will provide a receipt of payment to the Lessee no later than 5 days from payment.
Late Payments:
If the lessee may fall 60 days or more behind in their rental payments – the shipping container and ALL of its contents will become property of Container Solutions Pty Ltd and they may sell or otherwise dispose of the contents and shipping container (if applicable).
Lessee shall use the shipping container for storage purposes only and will not store live animals or perishable goods inside the premises.
Lessee acknowledges that the unit is not to be used as a dwelling, place of business or for any purposes other than storage of personal property.
The Lessee may not store anything outside of the shipping container. Illegal activities and items are prohibited on the premises at all times.
The property inside the shipping container is the sole responsibility of the Lessee. The Lessor does not assume or imply responsibility for the Lessee’s property at any time. Upon cancellation of this Storage Agreement, the Lessee shall have 24 hours (or as discussed) to remove all the shipping container. Any shipping container left past such time shall become the property of the Lessor.
The Lessor will hold no liability for any damages that may incur from the items being stored on the premises.
Security and Liability:
The Lessee understands there will be no provided security for the shipping container and all property stored will be under the sole liability of the Lessee.
The Lessor will not be responsible for any loss, or damages that may incur from the storage of property.
Either party may request the termination of this Agreement with 14 days prior written notice. Notification must be written form and either hand delivered or sent via email to the responding party.
The Storage Agreement may not be amended, redacted, or otherwise altered except through written amendment signed by both parties.
Refund Policy:
Minimum invoice terms is 4 weeks and there are no refunds given for any unused storage during this 4 week period. If your invoice is for a period of 6-12 months, you may submit a refund request.
Contact Information:
Should notice or other contact be necessary, the parties to this Agreement may be reached as follows;\
Name: Container Solutions – Automated Heavy Vehicle Driver Training and Recruitment Pty. Ltd. T/A | Phone: 0499 566 929 |
Address: 52-60 Market Road, Brooklyn, VIC. | Email: |
Name: | Phone: |
Address: | Email: |
Both parties agree to the terms and conditions outlined above in this Storage Agreement.
Storage Fees and Container Rental Charges – Brooklyn Facility 2021
40ft Container Stacked Storage
Stacked storage is perfect for long term storage. Rest assured your container and its contents are safe above another shipping container. As the Containers are Stacked 2 or 3 high, it is Impossible to Access them and Temper with them.
Access Fee – $99.00 incl GST for access during your storage period. – (Access to your container will require a minimum of 48 hours notice.)
Long Term (3months +) Stacked Storage Fees 2021:
from $44.00 incl GST per week (own container only, incl. Pre Pay Discount )
NB: Taller, 9.6 HiCube 40ft Containers are also available with 2.55 Internal Height
40ft Container Ground Level Storage
Ground Level Storage enables you to have access to your shipping container 24/7. Walk-Up Access is Standard, and Drive-Up Access is available on-demand.
Ground Level – 24/7 Access – Storage Fees:
Walk Up Access: from $60.00 incl GST per week (Your Own container)
Drive Up Access: call 0499 566 929 for a Quote
NB: Taller, 9.6 HiCube 40ft Containers are also available with 2.55 Internal Height
Site Rules:Enter at Own Risk – be aware of working Machinery, Trucks, Rough Terrain, Limited Lighting. Unmanned Site – Unless you made an appointment with a Staff Member. Storage – Store at Your Own Risk. We do not accept any Liability whatsoever for Your Items. You assume responsibility for all Loss and Damage including: All Damage, Theft or Accident. Any Items, Trucks, Cars, Machinery, Contractors 3rd Party etc. you may direct to this site, must enter at Own Risk as our Insurance Policy has Several Exclusions and You / Your Property any 3rd Party Property and Personnel will not be covered. It is unlikely that any Party may be able to seek compensation for any Accident, Injury, Loss or Damage.